Balanced Hormones
Each treatment plan includes individualized diet and lifestyle modifications, specialized laboratory testing, and uniquely designed supplementation.
Do you suffer from PMS? Menstrual irregularities?
Infertility, miscarriages, osteoporosis, fatigue, and menopausal or andropausal symptoms?
Do you want to prevent hormone-related illnesses?
Are you ready to explore natural alternatives to conventional hormone replacement?
With this program, Dr. Goldstein will create an individualized bio-identical hormone treatment for you that addresses overall hormonal imbalance in your body.
Special care is taken to ensure proper metabolism and utilization of supplemental bio-identical hormones.
- Appropriate nutritional and herbal support is provided to nurture and restore gland functions.
- Salivary hormone testing
- Bio-identical hormone supplementation
- Evaluation and treatment of other endocrine organs
- Herbal and nutritional support
- Multi-gland approach